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Friday, June 13, 2008

First exam in English center

直到前二周課程接近尾聲之際,老師宣布將有期末考;ㄝ... 這下子,原本輕鬆帶過的課文,霎地變的困難重重。

從得知考試這件事之後,我很不認真地、逮到機會就 k 書。
可是、人都是有墮性地;即使課本放在面前,腦袋依然故我地處於沉睡狀態 (有看等於沒看)。

周三晚上狂 K 書,卻也只背熟前五課,剩餘五課之前「散散」看過,不過說實話,好像也忘的差不多。
Diana 說考試成績只佔 30%~40%,其餘則是試卷練習以及口語的部分;推測平常的課程內容,應該不太可能被留級;不過還是有點小擔心考出來的成績會很難看。

到了考前二分鐘,Diana 說除了筆試還有口試 @@,當下所有同學變成熱鍋上的螞蟻、慌到不行。

說實話,第一次遇到考試放水地那麼誇張,我開玩笑問她是不是怕考出來太難看 XDDD,還真被我矇對了。

接下來,可自由選擇是否繼續升級至 X2?

保持這樣的心情,下周二迎接外籍老師的初見面吧 ^^!


Shirly汪汪 said...

Dear Nana

Is the foreign teacher same as you have in L.A.???
Does she/he has accent??
After experienced the life in LA,I think you can learn well in the class ^^

拿鐵娜緹 said...

Dear Shirly,

He took over for an absent teacher.(4 classes or more)
I couldn't hear the accent he has or not, but most of our classmates feel confused. They couldn't understand what he said. His speech is a little fast.

We practice conversion (introduce myself) and speak what I heard.
For me, it's not difficult. But I don't think it can improve my English.

Anonymous said...

I think the students' ability will affect the quality of class.
If most of students can't understand what the teacher said, he might teach simpler. Just like our classmates' English are very well, so our teacher will speak more and deep. But sometimes it's too deep to understand.
After finish class second grade, you can choose business English class to try.

拿鐵娜緹 said...

Dear 慧,

I think you can leave message by Chines, doesn't it?

Our new teacher was coming. He teaches better than Richard.

My classmate who changed time to Mon/Wed, she said all the classmates' English are pretty good than us. Their teacher in x1 who never spoke Chinese. That's the reason they got good basic.
Maybe I could try to that class but it was full.

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